
Now Available: Shadow (Death Seekers MC4)

  One day Camilla went out for a jog, the next day she found herself in a cold dark place. Despair’s been her constant companion, until Shadow arrives. He’s her possessive white knight on a motorcycle. He’s everything she never thought she deserved. Shadow will protect her until his last breath, but some secrets are much harder to keep than others. When Shadow finds out who Camilla truly is, would he regret making her his woman? Once upon a time, Shadow loved deep and fiercely, until fate brutally took that love away. Then Camilla enters his life and everything changes. Camilla’s broken, but she’s also stronger than she knows. Shadow’s more than obsessed. He wants to make Camilla his, but … the secret she’s keeping might ruin them all. Buy links: Amazon Apple Books Evernight B&N Kobo Smashwords

Now Available: Priest (Death Seekers MC Book 3)

  Priest: Five years ago, Sadie White ruined my life. Because of her, I'd forsaken my vows and left the priesthood. I would've ended up dead in a ditch somewhere if it weren't for the Death Seekers MC. But when Sadie stumbles into the MC clubhouse, covered in black and blue, I know I can't turn her away. I guess I never learn from my mistakes. I nearly killed a man once to save Sadie, and I'd do it all over again because she's the best thing that's ever happened to me. Sadie: Once upon a time, Priest lost everything because of me. But when an arranged marriage forces me to run, I have no one else to turn to but him. Priest is different. He's harder and meaner, but underneath, I know he's still the same man who'd do anything for me. He'd promise to protect me from a monster, and his price? Me—body, heart, and soul. Buy Links: Amazon Apple Books Evernight B&N Kobo Smashwords

Now Available: Cross (Death Seekers MC2)

  Cross: Betrayed by an informant and hunted by enemy bikers, I didn't think I would live to see another day. Then I stumbled into her car repair shop, shot and half-dead. Dana could've turned me away or left me to bleed out, but she's an angel in disguise. She treats my wounds, not caring about the consequences. Dana thinks that once I ride away from her, I'll forget her. She has no idea about the plans I have for her. I finally found her—my queen—and I intend to claim her and make her mine. Dana: I live in a town overrun by savage bikers. The last thing I expect is to fall hard and fast for another biker. Cross is the sergeant-at-arms of the Death Seekers MC, the enemy of the Crows, the MC that owns my hometown. It's only a matter of time before the Crows find out I helped Cross, and my life would be forfeit. The best thing to do is to pretend I never met Cross, but it's getting hard to stay away. Buy Links: Amazon Apple Books B&N Evernight Kobo Smashwords

Now Available: Breaker (Death Seekers MC1)

  Breaker, President of the Death Seekers MC, lost his old lady once. Love’s not in the cards for him until the night a gorgeous bartender shows him unexpected kindness. The moment Breaker set his sights on Riley, he knew she was born to be his. His VP warns him she’s trouble. Riley is indebted to a rival MC. The same club Breaker has forged a temporary alliance with but it doesn’t matter. Breaker wants Riley and what he wants, he always gets. Riley Greyson’s life falls to pieces when she finds out her brother owes a huge debt to a vicious MC. Then fate drops a rugged and inked biker on her lap. He’s nothing like the men she’s dated before. Getting further mixed up in his world would only bring her pain and regret. But in Breaker’s rough embrace, Riley feels safe. She feels loved. Breaker’s willing to burn the world down, if it means claiming her as his. Buy Links Amazon /  Evernight Publishing /  Apple Books /  B&N /  Kobo /  Smashwords

New Release: Lethal Hearts (Mafia Lords 4)

  Harper Valenti doesn’t have a choice. Reduced to a pawn in a sick Don’s game, Harper is tasked with seducing and killing Bratva Pakhan Mikhail Konstantin. Failure means her father’s death and her own, but even the best-laid plans tend to unravel. Harper finds herself on the receiving end of a cold and calculating crime boss but Mikhail isn’t what he seems. Most men would immediately dispose of their assassins but Mikhail Konstantin is unlike most men. Harper doesn’t just intrigue him. She’s become his new obsession. It doesn’t hurt the sparks between them burn undeniably hot. Mikhail decides to take care of his problems in one fell swoop. He’ll take care of their common enemy. In return,   Buy Links: Amazon  /  Apple Books /  B&N /  Evernight Publishing /  Kobo /  Smashwords